Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Formal Introduction

I would love to give you a little introduction to just one of my addictions. Making jewelry. Her is some of jewelry I will be creating and selling on my Etsy store. I will even be creating tutorials for a few of the pieces.

When I am making jewelry I prefer to sculpt my pendants out of polymer clay. This gives me complete creative freedom to create what ever my heart desires.

Polymer clay is a oven hardening clay that is extremely strong and durable after it has been baked. I then hand paint most of my charms and add varnish for even more added strength and protection.

The only problem I seem to encounter is not being able to get all the ideas out of my head fast enough. They are constantly swirling around and I tend to forget about them if I can't write it all down.

If you have an idea you would like to see turned into reality please let me know! Custom orders are always welcome :o)

I hope that you enjoy my creations as much as I enjoy making them.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Welcome to my new beginning

Everyone has something that makes them feel good. Something that completely relaxes them and puts their mind at ease. For me it is crafting. As far back as I can remember, making something with my hands has always been a way for me to escape reality for a few minutes and dive into the world that exists only in my head. A magical place where anything can happen. My biggest dream has always been to open my own successful art and gift shop featuring my works.

This year I will be turning 25 and my daughter will be starting kindergarten. Up until this point I have spent the years since her birth at home trying to manage and maintain my hectic but beautiful family and home. My artistic dreams have somewhat been placed on the back burner during this process. Now I am faced with a choice. I can go out and get a job of some kind working nine to five like most of the world or I can continue to stay at home and focus on my artistic side to see if there is any possibility of financial success in store for me in this field. So I have decided (against a few people's better judgment) to give the lucrative life of a professional artist a try. At least for a while anyway.

With this blog I hope to help out others who share my same dream, collect some good advice, and create connections in the crafting and artistic community. I will post many tutorials and try to educate as much as possible. After all knowledge is power and I have learned that you can teach yourself anything as long as you have the information. I also welcome any tips and information you have to offer as I am always looking to better my skills as well.

So, here I go, off on a adventure that some may call me crazy for. I have created a store on Etsy. Lets see exactly what is possible when you put your mind to it.